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Island Facts:

Island Size: • Length 13 km (8 mi) • Width 14 km (9 mi)
Island Population: 33,694
Distance from International Airport: 539 km
By Boat from Male': around 48hrs (2 overnight travel) & is cheapest transfer available
By Speedboat from Male': N/A
By Domestic flight: 1hr 25min to Gan International Airport then by few minutes by taxi

Island Description

Addu City (local administrative code Seenu) is a city in Maldives that consists of the inhabited islands of the southern most atoll of the archipelago. Addu City is the second-largest urban area in Maldives. Addu City consists of Hithadhoo, Maradhoo-Feydhoo, Maradhoo, Feydhoo,Hulhudhoo and Meeedhoo. These divisions are naturally but are well connected. Addu is one of the oldest populated atoll in the country with the Island of Meedhoo having traces of settlements as far back as 2000 BCE. The original settlers are said to be from Western regions of Gujarat & Bihar state of modern-day India. The dialect spoken in this atoll (Addu bas) is quite different from the official form of the Dhivehi language. It has some affinities with the language of Fua Mulaku

The White tern locally known as Dhondheeni, is a small seabird traditionally only confined to the Addu Atoll. The White tern is one of the most beautiful and interesting resident birds found in the Maldives. It has its body white with black eye-ring & black bill with blue at the base. Legs & feet are also blue, with yellow to webs. Dhondheeni is a symbolic bird of Addu Atoll

Gan International Airport is the airport serving Addu City, located on the island of Gan nearby. First built by the British Royal Navy, and transferred to the Royal Air Force as RAF Gan. The ownership was latter transferred to the government of the Maldives, and it was converted for use as a domestic airport, recently upgraded for preparation of international flights. The 16-kilometres (9.9 mi) Addu Link Road causeway is the second longest paved causeway in the Maldives. It joins Hithadhoo, Maradhoo, Maradhoo-feydhoo, Feydhoo, and Gan.

Hithadhoo is the main administrative district of Addu City, with many of the administrative buildings in this district. Hithadhoo is the second largest island in the Maldives length of 6.8 km and width of 1.8 km at its widest point  / Maradhoo is located in the middle of the island chain. The southern part, towards Feydhoo, has a separate administrative division & is regarded as a separate island named Maradhoo-Feydhoo, even though it is physically attached to Maradhoo island itself. Maradhoo's landscape mainly features palm trees and tropical shrubs as in other islands in Addu Atoll. Maradhoo also has good house reef with plenty of varieties of fish & multi-colored corals & is a famous diving point for divers who come to Addu Atoll  / Feydhoo people are former residents of Gan. Gan was a very fertile island with its coconut palms, breadfruit trees, yam, binbi and numerous other types of trees flourishing  /   Hulhudhoo-Meedhoo is an island located on the northeastern point of Addu City, 5th largest island in the Maldives. Although Hulhumeedhoo is geographically one island, it is divided into two administrative constituencies as Meedhoo and Hulhudhoo. Hulhudhoo's landscape is mainly of palms trees and thick tropical vegetation as in other islands of the atoll. Hulhumeedhoo Kilhi is a large, marshy grassland of around 50 hectares located in the centre. "Kilhi" usually means either lake or wetland. The ponds are known to have a few freshwater fish species including, Greenstripe Barb (Puntius vittatus) and a species of swamp eel.

Adduans are friendly, hospitable & peace-loving people. It is a good experience to enjoy a local dish if you stay in Addu Atoll. If you want to explore more of the islands then scooters & bikes are available to hire. Most of the islands (Gan, Feydhoo, Maradhoo-Feydhoo, Maradhoo, Hankede & Hithadhoo) within the atoll are connected by bridges on the main road making exploring easy. A ferry runs from Feydhoo to Hulhumeedhoo too.

A cheaper & more adventurous way of getting here would be to hop on a cargo boat from Male’ & sail through the atolls anchoring at some islands along the way. Although this may take 2-3 days, it definitely lets you enjoy the beauty & interact with lively locals. Discover local people & how they live. Talk to the friendly people, join them in cafes & talk about the lifestyle of people & tradition, about food or enjoy taking photos or walking through the island.  You can simply relax on the beach under shades of the trees, read a book, watch Sunrise and Sunset & listen to sound of sea breeze or waves that will refresh your mind. Enjoy snorkeling, sun tanning, fishing on the beach & then make own BBQ. Fishing lines & hooks are available to buy from local shops at minimal price. There are many Shops where you can buy soft drinks, biscuits & also there are many local Cafe's from where you can enjoy local & some Int’l dishes at low price. Also you can enjoy eating Hedhi-ka, which is local short eats which the cafes serve at low price including Coffee, tea varieties of juices.

Do not forget to bring your own snorkeling gears & suntanning lotions though they are available to buy from local shops. Water Sports facilities & Diving facilities are available for rent from some of the Guest Houses. It is advisable to check type of water sports facilities available at the time of booking  -  During the festive periods like Eid, Celebration Independent day holiday period, Republic day holiday period, school holidays & during new year period most of the islands will celebrate special traditional dance, sports, live-music; traditional dances, cooking traditional local foods. If you plan to make holiday during any of the Festive Period, it is advisable to check in advance any special events scheduled in the island during these special holiday period. It is advisable to check Weather Forecast always before you begin your travel.

Island Health Center / Hospital Detail:  Hithadhoo Regional Hospital / Equatorial Hospital 

Accomodations to Book

PEBBLES INN (Hithadhoo)
PEBBLES INN (Hithadhoo) (✸✸✸)
Addu City
Addu City

Transportation to Choose

Speed Boat

Speed Boat

Speed Boat is a little fast mode of travel to the island. Equipped with L-Jackets. A small bottle of Water & vomiting bag will be provided onboard

Speed Boat Operator: RELAX KING - Phone: 7731759, 7582665 (Addu City - Ph: 991 0304)

Boat Ferry - low budget

Boat Ferry - low budget

For budget traveler’s cheapest way is by Fiber-Boats (Cargo-Ferry). Strong to sea wt L-Jackets. It is adventure & for couples it can be a rom- journey as it travel thru atolls - enjoy watching mnight waves, sunrise n morning mist. Boat provides sleeping area in gen-compart where fan or AC fixed. Some serve free Local food wt free juice/coffee. Do pack S/drinks, water bot n biscuits to add joy n energy. Rem to bring anti-vomit tab incase

Domestic Flight

Domestic Flight

A comfortable and convenient way to travel to distant local island is by Domestic flight